there are ghosts inside you.
they are shaped like prominent fragments of your childhood. like your abandoned dreams. ideas, thoughts, feelings you never poured out. stories you never told anyone. old beliefs and things of that kind. moments you wish you could experience for the first time. choices that broke and reformed you as a person. like your crushed hopes. and your first love and first heartbreak. inherited spirits of your parents and grandparents. like unfulfilled promises of people you hold dear. outdated versions of people you once loved. pieces of souls of the ones that are not physically here. like all the remnants of beautiful things that no longer existed.
there are ghosts inside you.
they are made out of the things that helped you grow as a person; of the people that matter to you and their traces and their memories; of moments, bits, pieces of everything. you are tied to them and you carry them within you.
and like this, you keep them alive.